Who To Contact
Depending upon your business, there are several entities who may need to be contacted. Again, some of these are State-specific. So, be sure to confer with your tax professional before starting this process to make certain you don’t forget anything of miss an agency that you need to contact.
- Internal Revenue Service – If you are a sole proprietor without employees, your Tax ID number is your Social Security number. So you don’t need to do anything with the IRS unless you have employees or you aren’t a proprietorship in which case you will need to contact them for:
If you have employees:Form SS-4 (Tax ID number)
Circular E (Withholding and Social Security tax rates
Form W-4 for employees to complete for exemptions and withholding information
Forms 941 and 940 Employer Tax Returns (to remit tax and unemployment)
If you are any form of business but a sole proprietor:
Form SS-4 (Tax ID number)
The IRS is listed in your local phone book in the Business Pages and there should be a local number, but:
Main toll-free number: 1-800-829-1040
Taxpayer Advocate: 1-877-777-4778
IRS Director of Practice:
1111 Constitution Avenue NW
Simples N: C: SC; DOP
Washington, DC 20224Internal Revenue Service
Austin Service Center
Austin, TX 73301 - State Taxing Authority – You will need to contact them concerning:
Sales Tax ID numbers and forms
Any special licensing requirements
In Texas, the number is: 1-800-252-5555
In El Paso, the local number is: 915-592-8827
You will also need to contact your State if registering a Corporation, Partnership or Limited Liability Company - State Workforce Commission – You will need to contact them regarding:
State unemployment and income tax information including tax rates and requirementsIn El Paso:Texas Workforce Commission
1420 Geronimo, Building C, Suite 1
El Paso, TX 79925
Phone: 915-774-0091In Austin: 512-463-2731
Toll Free: 800-832-9243 - County Officials -You will need to register your Assumed Name with the County Clerk’s Office. This Costs $15.00 in El Paso but may vary State to State and City to City.. Also, there may be other licensing and/or permits pertaining to your particular business. Their El Paso phone number is 915-546-2071
- City Officials – There are many health, zoning and licensing regulations which may or may not apply to your business. In El Paso, these entities are centrally located at City Hall. The best place to start is the Licensing Department. The main number is 915-541-4000.